Monday, April 14, 2008

Sesame Street Live

They looked forward to seeing Elmo Live for days. Well, the day came and there was so much excitement leading up to the show. We met up with the Dotsons and off we went. Luke Bob and Jonas LOVED it. Josie was a bit scared of the extremely large Sesame Street characters. They are much bigger than on TV. However, we made it through the whole show and Josie would even peek from time-to-time to catch some of it. We then went to eat at Ditto's and the kids ended the evening with ice cream topped with chocolate.

1 comment:

mamo said...

Hey Tonya,
Our little ones were a little on the shy side too. Like you said, I guess it's hard for their minds to understand how this "t.v. land" could become so "real"
It was lots of fun and now Victor and Maddie are talking about Barney or the Wiggles. I know Sam would love it too. He was amazed to say the least!
Next time maybe we could all go together.
Happy Spring.
Mamo Christy
PS The kids are BEAUTIFUL!!