Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Aunt Sissy watching the kids at Powers Mountain

The kids anxiously awaiting Chef Liz's special french toast.
Chef Liz whipping up a batch of french toast after a wild night. Jonas made the hat!
The precious angels sleeping in a homemade tent set up by Aunt Sissy. This is what Sam and I walked in to after a late night being out!
Liz came over and watched the kids and brought Felix so I could go to one of Sam's gigs. We got in late and walked in to a crazy and bizarre rearrangement to the living room. The couch was moved and turned on it's side with tons of blankets and sheets making an over-sized tent. And yes, they were all fast asleep. Aunt Sissy wore them out, of course. The next morning, Chef Liz made the kids french toast and then she took Jonas and Felix to the waterfall and cave out through the woods of Powers Mountain. They had a ball. Thanks, Aunt Sissy...we love you!

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